21 October 2009

A Week In the Life

They have started cutting hours at work. They have started having only 2 girls on register throughout the day. This is difficult enough, but with finishing up my Landmark courses and fitting job interviews, it is really bad. I cannot work Monday and Thursday nights as well as one full Saturday a month. While I normally have Saturdays off, I don't think they're too happy about me actually requesting them. Then there is the addition of Monday night when it was only Thursday before. The owner who does scheduling has severely cut my hours when I actually can work due to these needs.

I had an interview with a company yesterday and am going for a second on November 3rd. I am greatly looking forward to this 2nd interview as I am thinking it to be a good thing, even if they did ask everyone from the group to come to the 2nd interview. It still gives me a decent shot as it will be one-on-one and I'll prepare better for this one. I was unfortunately a little lax in preparation for this 1, which makes it a good thing that it was a group thing with only a short one-on-one at the end (meaning it didn't matter as much that I was ill-prepared).

On another note I'm trying to get things organized for my EBAY business. I have found some of the things I want to sell. If I can't get them bought separately, I'll try bulk, if I still have no luck I'll donate them for the tax write-off. I also need to do the same with the clothes I have - I'm sure some of them can be scrap material for other projects. I'm thinking of cutting some up and selling them as bolts on Amazon, EBAY, or Etsy. I also need to mend/ alter the things I have. My plate is full and I'm ready to eat.