Well, I'm starting to feel like I'm getting a little bit done toward my EBAY business since I moved. I ordered some things to put in packages when I sell things so that people remember me, I'm planning to send offers to people who have bought from me before for free shipping, and I'm going to re-list some of the stuff I have for lower prices. I may sell some things at no profit just to be rid of them. I bought business cards as well to hand out to people if they ask for my phone number or something. It feels a tad more professional and it has my business information on there.
I am trying to get to a second interview at a company and finding it difficult. They worked with me and allowed me to sign up for one two weeks from the first and then my manager didn't give it to me off. They asked me to get this Wednesday. That's only a week notice, I can't even request it. I'll have to ask the one girl I work with on Sunday when we get our schedules if she works Wednesday or not and if we can switch. The owner who does schedules is so damn anal about everything, for God knows what reason. It's absurd really...