Work started out well enough. My boss and I opened and there weren't a ton of customers, which is always a plus here. The AM came in later and did her thing. I got lunch around 1140, which is only 20 minutes earlier than I would have preferred. Around 145 or so the system crashed, which usually is fixed by the time we need to prove (3). Figuring this to be the case my boss left for an appointment at 2. I called the help desk to make sure they knew about this issue.
The guy asked me to go in the back and look at the server. I mentioned I was the only teller on and our AM does not have a drawer. I ran into the back and checked. It was trying to connect to an IP/ MAC addres, but couldn't. He had me turn it off, wait 5 seconds, and turn it back on. It started, I had to press F1 at one point, and then it just wouldn't go past a black DOS screen. It completely crashed.
They are building us a new server in Norwich and it will be delivered tomorrow morning, when we open at 7. My boss informed me that it will still take about an hour to get it up and running. I kind of want to yell "WTF??!!" at the president of the company, but feel that would probably make my employment a little less necessary than it currently is.
Now I am just cranky as heck. My boss is going to visit my step dad (ex step dad?) tomorrow and she goes "I don't want to be nosy, but I'm going to see **** tomorrow. ...What can I say?" I laughed and said not to bring anything up. If he asked about me she could comment, but other than that, it would be safer to abstain from the subject. We laughed about it and now I am just really upset with the world.