I watched one young lady from November of 2010 until the beginning of July 2011. It was eight months of bliss and I enjoyed every moment. I still wish I had not needed to stop watching her, but am very happy that her family situation has returned to normal. I watched her just after school from November until May, then I moved in to the house from May until July. I really enjoyed the time I spent with her and love that she still appears to have a very strong bond with me. She still seeks me out at church and begs me to come over for dinner, a movie, a sleepover, she tries everything.
In the meantime I worked a catering job, while still babysitting, and then for a fire, water, and mold restoration service. The catering job was not too bad, but I really did not like the boss. The restoration job was just such odd hours and I did not enjoy the work. I was in pain all the time from both jobs, but especially the restoration job. My body is still wrecked and I haven't been there in months.
Once again I am doing child care, but for a baby. She is just the cutest thing I have ever seen. Ok, that may not be true, but darn is she cuteness incarnate. I actually got the job through her aunt, who attends my church and knew I had been babysitting the other young lady. It was nice to know that I was recommended. I would not necessarily want to just get the job based on she had been looking for a sitter and I applied. I do three days a week with her and other random times when they ask and I can. I am really enjoying it