06 May 2010

12 -7 Shift

I was asked at the beginning by E. to switch my 7 - 1 with her for her 12 - 7.  It's a longer shift, but that isn't the issue.  The issue is that this job is awful and difficult and there's no forgiveness on either end.  People at the bank expect you to be perfect and so do the customers.  Mostly, it's just not worth the small amount of money I'm paid per hour (less than $10).

1 comment:

  1. :o( Poor Jenna. Just stay positive--whenever Mark and I start to get down about our job (me= small hours and little pay; mark=sucky, demanding, unforgiving, long hours...bla bla), I always try to remind him that at least we have jobs. They might suck, but we have them! ^_^ Just keep looking Jenna. For now, remember to be thankful for what you're able to have now. :) I'll be thinking of you and scanning job boards for englishy stuff for you!
