02 December 2010

All the President's Men

As president you reserve the right to pick your cabinet.  You can have anyone and they need no credentials in the field they are charged with.  They are also not expected to learn anything about said field and at times are not expected to do anything other than hand out business cards with their cushy title and use it for fodder at dinner parties and social events.

At times the job is given based on a real or percieved need for employment, prestige, power, or even at times a hobby/ time suck.  At other times a person really needs employment because they have become accustomed to eating and having a roof over their heads.

At other times a job is given based on how good a friend you are or how fun you are.  Even the president needs a chuckle from time to time and a class (cabinet) clown can provide just that cure.  Sometimes it seems like would be easier to take this route, but logic tells me that in the long run it is truly no help, no matter how it feels to watch others seemingly reap benefits from it.

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