01 April 2010


My best friend at work, K.S-C, is abandoning me in 2 weeks.  I'm not mad, she's getting a job she wants so she can be happy.  That's super important to everyone, but I'm going to miss her.  She's the only person who is not only always nice to me (L is too), but K doesn't ever talk down to me and she always helps me, unless she's with a customer (and that's understandable).  I don't know how I'm going to get anything done in 2 weeks.  I don't think that I'll technically be allowed to call K once she leaves... work-related, I mean.  We're Facebook friends, so obviously we talk, but I think my manager would freak if I called K about work.

I just don't know what to expect.  K said that technically L defaults at the new head teller once she leaves.  There's a certain amount of experience required to become head teller (so I wouldn't qualify) and I feel as though my manager doesn't trust me, and I'm not sure she should.  I still feel like I bumble from time to time, so I wouldn't want to be in charge.  I think it took K a year to be HT because I have a 1,000 cash limit until 6 months and then after that I think I still have a limit.  I'm not sure I would even want to be HT.  There are a lot of things I need to think about (and not blog here in case this should be found by work people).

Jen - any thoughts?  I am definitely requesting your advice here.


  1. Well, at the risk work people might read this...

    I'm not sure contacting K after she leaves would be so bad, really. As long as you don't drop info. on "secret bank stuff" she used to know but can't anymore, that is. If it's like "Hey, I forgot how to open the drawer" and things like that, I would think that'd be OK. Is it? I'm not sure how bank telling works. I'm sure it's more complicated than that. :o/

    Regardless, I still think you should talk to her when she's gone. Message her on FB (and should a private, secret question be dropped...well, no one would be the wiser. ;) ) Based on what I've picked up, it seems like you're still feeling your way in your new bank telling job. I think having a teller friend that you get along with so well (and is so nice to you!) is really what you need to hang onto--even if she's leaving.

    And I don't think I'd want the responsibility of being HT! :O

    Though, I think a discussion of where you want to go with this job depends a lot on the question: what do you want your job to be?

    That being said, I'm still looking out for jobs for you... :o)

    I hope I helped. Bottom line: Keep in contact with K. If you need help, I think you should ask; just be discrete about it. You need a job-world friend right now, and K seems like it. (And, she'll need one, too, starting a new job up. You'll be there for her like she was there for you.) ^.^

  2. :( I'm sorry... that sucks. One of my best friends (whom I also worked with) moved to a different state a few months ago, and going back to work after that just isn't the same...

  3. I don't know why I wasn't informed of your post, Jen. I appreciate it all though and I'll keep it in mind. I also need to get my act together and take the state test. I think I missed the deadline for the most recent one, but there'll be another. I also may look into other stuff, even like part-time at Dunkin or Starbucks (something coffee/ tea-related).

    Sara - I think I knew about that friend. You had a bunch of Fb photos of her last day, right? I'm sorry. I guess I didn't realize how serious a loss that was for you. I really hope you're doing alright with it. Are you still at Brunswick? The Troy library was just for your internship, right? We need to hang out (with Elina and Miranda too).
